Thank you so much Dear Friends for joining me for this 'Week of Winter Poetry'! For the last poem of the week I have saved a special favorite, one that involves cake! As I have shared before, winter is my favorite time of year to bake and try out new recipes. It makes the Barn smell amazing and makes it feel extra cozy.
Snow Sugar Cake
From my poetry notebook
On a soggy winter's day
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day Six
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Goodness, here we are on day six of a 'Week of Winter Poetry' already. Our week of poetry is almost over, but please - if you enjoyed my poems - tell me below and I may do this again! Today I am sharing two shorter poems once again - and even though these are shorter, they are two of my favorites! I hope you will see why...
A March Day
From my poetry notebook
The days they pass from one to two,
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day Five
Friday, March 6, 2020
There is simply nothing better than finding a letter or parcel awaiting you in your mailbox. It's one of my favorite things! I am blessed to have penpals all over the United States and beyond who I am friends with - some now for over five years, before I was even married! The poem for today is all about the joy I find in writing and receiving letters. Do share with me below - Do you have any penpals?...
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day Four
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Hello again Dear Friends! I do hope you have been enjoying this week so far, and I pray my poems have brought a smile to your face each day. Today I am sharing two shorter poems - the first one I wrote after seeing the morning sun turn the mountains orange and pink. We have not been getting a lot of sun this winter so it was an amazing sight to behold! The second poem talks about the coming of light...
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day Three
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Hello again Friends! Thank you for joining me on day three of my 'Week of Winter Poetry'. Today's poem was a lot of fun to write and talks about all the seasons of the year - I love the idea of all the seasons being sisters. Of course there are quarrels between them every so often: Winter creates a late hard frost just as Spring has her daffodils blooming, Autumn comes early with cold rains and...
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day Two
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Here we are on day two of my 'Week of Winter Poetry'! The following poem I wrote on a really slow day up at work(when I get most of my inspiration, haha!). At the moment Quinn and I are both working up at Eaglecrest, our local ski area. He as a ski/snowboard instructor, and I myself as a member of the Ski School office, sending all the students out to him. It's been fun working up there, though...
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A Week of Winter Poetry - Day One
Monday, March 2, 2020
Hello Dear Friend! Welcome to the first installment in my 'Week of Winter Poetry'. I so enjoy writing poetry in my free time, and although someday I hope to publish my poems in book-form, this week I will just be sharing them here with you. I think these will be the perfect posts to read with a cup of tea and perhaps some biscuits - so please get cozy! I hope you have a delightful time reading...
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